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What Do You Feed a Chihuahua Who is Coming Out of Pancries Sickness

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Why did my dog vomit and should I worry?

Types of dog vomit

Nothing gets you out of your chair faster than the sound of your dog about to vomit. All dogs vomit or throw-up from time to time. Most often it's something they've eaten like grass or they have gobbled their food and it's nothing to worry about.

But it can also be a sign of more serious illness that needs vet assistance. It's helpful to know the different kind of vomiting so you have a better idea if its serious or not.


The difference between regurgitation and vomiting

They may start off with the same coughing and retching sound, but regurgitation is when your dog is coughing up what's in the esophagus.  This is the long, hollow tube that goes from the throat to the stomach.

The food or whatever has been eaten, hasn't made it to the stomach yet. It may come out like a slimy sausage. But you will be able to make out what it is your dog has eaten as it won't have been digested yet.

Unlike vomiting, regurgitation just happens without warning. Your dog may be just as surprised as you and often they will try to eat it again.

A common reason for regurgitation could be eating too fast. Most dogs get very excited about their dinner time. To stop them eating their dinner so fast they are sick you could use a slow-down bowl.

However, if your chihuahua regurgitates their food regularly, have a chat with your vet as there could be some underlying medical conditions that can cause this.

Chunky or granular vomiting

This is when food has been partly digested but is then rejected by the stomach. You dog will start to heave and retch. This type of vomiting is often likely to be down to a virus or illness that is making your dog feel nauseous.

Car Sickness

Car and motion sickness can also make your dog vomit. Puppies often have issues with this but tend to grow out of it as they get older. You can usually tell when your dog is going to be sick as they will drool, lick their lips and crouch down.

Foamy liquid yellow vomiting

If your chihuahua does this first thing in the morning, then this is likely to be acid reflux. This is the acid in the stomach aggravating the stomach lining. This is often associated with the stomach being empty. So, a plate of nosh is likely to help.

However, throwing  up white foam can also be the signs of other illness:

  • Kennel cough: An upper respiratory infection which is highly contagious between dogs. However, it usually clears itself up in about 9-10 days.
  • Bloat: This is extremely serious and would need IMMEDIATE veterinary assistance. Bloat is when your dogs stomach fills with gas and fluid. Bloat can kill a dog very quickly. While any dog can get bloat, it is usually deep chested dogs like boxers. Some owners of deep chested breeds will crate their dogs after eating to let their dinner go down. While chihuahuas are not prone to bloat it is always a good idea to let their food go down before any vigorous exercise.
  • Pancreatitis: Chihuahuas can be prone to pancreatitis. This is inflammation of the pancreas and causes pain and vomiting. Dogs with this condition will need careful management and a restricted diet.
  • Kidney disease: Signs are vomiting white foam, disorientation and difficulty urinating.
  • Parvovirus: A deadly infection that is associated with puppies and young dogs. If you have a new puppy and they become lethargic and sick get them to the vet asap. Parvovirus is often associated with puppies born in puppy farms. This is because they are not vaccinated to keep costs down. Always make sure you know where your puppy has come from. How to buy a puppy
  • Poisoning:If your dog goes from happy to vomiting, shaking and lethargy very quickly he could have eaten something poisonous. This requires immediate veterinary assistance.

A good takeaway here is, if your dog vomits from time to time no real drama. But vomiting is a symptom rather than an illness, so if your dog's vomiting is accompanied by diarrhoea, lethargy, disorientation than discussing it with your vet is a good idea.


Are spot on flea treatments bad for your chihuahua?

Dealing with fleas is an annoying problem, but are spot on flea treatments bad for your chihuahua?

Monthly plans

A lot of chihuahua parents believe they are doing the best for their chihuahua by using monthly 'spot on flea treatments'. By spot on flea treatments I mean any chemical flea treatment that is applied topically to your dog's skin.

It is so ingrained in us that this is the right thing to do that many of us are on monthly plans at the vets that include flea & worm treatments and 'booster' vaccinations.

Firstly, booster vaccinations are not required read 'Are we Over Vaccinating Dogs?' But this article is about chemical flea control, so I'll move on.

How do spot on flea treatments work?

The insecticide in spot on flea products blocks the adult flea's nervous system and the flea should die within 24 hours. This reduces its opportunity to lay eggs.

The insecticide is mixed with a carrier oil that spreads over the skin and is absorbed into your dog's bloodstream, it also kills intestinal worms and lungworms. If this doesn't work, it may be worth checking out 25 Incredibly Easy Home Remedies for Worms in Dogs. It's best to treat the issue before it becomes life-threatening.

Given the job it does, it is easy to see why so many pet owners will reach for their monthly flea control without giving it another thought.

The downside

I stopped using these products some time ago when I noticed an adverse reaction in Mika after the application. He would be unwell, vomit and shake.

Research shows that this is a common reaction to the chemicals in these flea control products, along with redness of the skin where it is applied. Reactions vary in intensity, but it has caused fatal seizures in dogs.

There are three main chemicals Fipronil, Imidacloprid and Pyrethrins in spot on flea products. According to Dogs Naturally Magazine these chemicals have arrange of side affects on your dog, from liver and kidney toxicity, thyroid cancer, heart disease. It was a long list, so I have put a link to the article below.

According to experts, topical chemical flea control contributes to the rise in canine cancer. It also contributes to allergies in dogs.

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Why chihuahuas & small dogs are more at risk

The application of topical flea control products can cause an immediate adverse reaction in your dog, one of the main reasons being that the dosage parameters are so wide and vague. The under 5 kgs dose instruction can be way over the top for a dog that weighs half that.

Do short coats even get fleas?

I have noticed something strange since we had Arlo who is a short coat. He never seems to pick up fleas. The other two, Mika and Minnie do pick the occasional jumper. But Arlo, never. Looking at his coat it is so much denser that the long haired dogs it is so thick at the base. So is this just not hospitable for a flea. I would love to know your thoughts.

Healthy Pets Mercloa writes:

  • Most adverse reactions were seen in dogs weighing between 10 and 20 pounds. (4.53 -9.09 kg)

  • Reactions in mixed breed dogs were most commonly reported, however, the Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Miniature Poodle, Pomeranian, Dachshund, Maltese, Yorkshire terrier and Bichon Frise seem particularly at risk.

  • Products containing cyphenothrin and permethrin were especially problematic for small breed dogs.

  • Most incidents occurred in dogs under three years old, likely at their first exposure to a spot-on product.

  • Adverse reactions for both dogs and cats were primarily skin, GI tract and nervous system related. Skin reactions included redness, itching, hair loss, sores and ulcers.

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms included vomiting, diarrhoea and salivation.

  • Reported nervous system symptoms included lethargy, nervousness, ataxia (movement problems), tremors and seizure.

Only dealing with mum

Fleas are a nuisance and need to be dealt with, but the other problem with many spot on flea treatments is they are only dealing with the adult.

The adult flea is the tip of the iceberg. Killing the eggs before they hatch must be the target. Because once they are in the carpet or dog bedding, as soon as the product wears off they will hop straight back on again.

But again, don't reach for the chemicals and spray them all over your house, they can be bad for you and your family contributing to migraines, asthma and eczema.

Go natural

We have several articles on dealing with fleas in the home and natural ways to keep your dog flea free.

But essentially, neem oil, diatomaceous earth, a good steam cleaner, apple cider vinegar and a hot wash for bedding should get you started on the path natural to flea control.

Article from Dogs Naturally Magazine

Please be aware that putting canine flea products on a cat can kill your cat.



Does your chihuahua suffer with separation anxiety?

Dealing with separation anxiety

Chihuahuas tend to pick a favourite member of the family and want to be with them all the time. If your chi gets up and follows you out of the room when you go to the loo, then it's probably you. This can lead to them getting stressed or developing separation anxiety when you are not there which in turn can lead to unwanted behaviours like chewing household items, barking all day, and in some extreme behaviours screaming, paw chewing and excessive licking that can lead to red sore hot-spots of skin. Read has your chihuahua got you licked.

Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is always better than cure and it is a good idea to train your chihuahua to be able to spend some time on their own from when they are young. You have a short window of time when they are puppies to get them socialised, get them used to having their teeth cleaned, and to spend some time on their bed or in their crate. Read the crate debate. After about 16 weeks many behaviours will become set and the older your chihuahua is the harder it becomes to make changes. But it is not impossible it just takes time and patience.

The benefit of down time

First, make sure that your chihuahua has some regular down time. If you are constantly picking him up, petting him and carrying him around he is going to find it difficult to cope when you are not there. This is the beginning of your chihuahua developing separation anxiety.

You cannot compensate for having left him yesterday by over-fussing him today, he will just get confused. Give him his favourite chew toy and let him have some time in his bed undisturbed.

Cues from you

Your chihuahua understands a lot more from your actions, tone of voice and body language than they do from words. Read how smart is your chihuahua. They will soon be able to associate you getting your coat on means that you are going to leave them. Which is turn could trigger a stress response.

If you make a fuss, get all stressed yourself and start speaking to your dog in a high voice he is going to think you are worried about leaving. To your dog you are the main provider and if you act stressed and worried your dog will mirror this anxiety.

How to undo separation anxiety

If your chihuahuas' already a fully paid up member of the separation anxiety club it is possible to undo the damage, but it's going to take some time and patience. There is the alternative, of using CBD or other cannabis related products that are safe for pets, however, there is a lot of reluctance for the same by pet owners. You can check out this website – – and deduce your own conclusions.

Apart from that, it's more about desensitising them and very importantly giving them something positive to do that replaces the unwanted behaviours they display when you are out.

If putting your coat or boots on is the trigger, then start here:

  • Put your coat on, say nothing walk around the house indoors then take it off again. Do this until it gets no reaction.
  • Escalate this to popping outside then coming straight back in again, saying nothing and being calm.
  • Don't make any fuss of your chihuahua when you come back in as this reinforces the idea that something 'big' has just happened.
  • Increase this to outside for a few minutes, come back in and then increase the time away.
  • Being calm and not making a fuss is the key here.

I can't tell you how many times and over what period you will have to do this you will have to judge this for yourself from the reactions of your chi.

The power of Kong to cure separation anxiety!

According to Dr Ian Dunbar, teaching your dog to love his Kong is a super way to combat separation anxiety. Giving your dog his dinner in the Kong will give him something to do and at the same time it reinforces the notion that lying down and playing with his toys is a good thing.

A Kong is a small conical hollow toy that is virtually indestructible. They should be available from all good pet stores. They come in different sizes to suite the mouth size of your dog.

Also, while your chi is chewing the Kong he is not chewing the furniture or his paw. Chances are, once he has spent some time digging his dinner out from the Kong he will have a sleep.

If you are going to be out for longer than four hours, it would be a good idea to arrange for someone to pop in to let the dogs out in the garden for a poop and to replace their Kong with another one.

It is important to note that giving your chihuahuas their dinner in the Kong is better than filling it with treats. Otherwise you will end up with a chubby chihuahua

Never leave your dog unsupervised with a bone and try to stay away from rawhide chews as they are not good for dog.

First Aid

Winter Ready Chihuahua.

Get ready for winter!

Get ready for the cold weather and have a winter ready chihuahua. Everything you need to keep your chihuahua happy and safe in the big freeze.

Are you gearing up for a cold snap or a snow blizzard? Just a flutter of snow in the UK causes havoc. As a nation we seem uniquely incapable of coping with even a couple of inches of the white stuff!

But, no matter where you are in the world getting snowed in can cause problems, so whether you are up to your knees in snow or it's just a few inches here are some tips to keep your chihuahua safe and well.

Peeing out doors

Anyone with a chihuahua will know that once the weather turns it can be difficult to get your chi to go outside to wee. They don't like being cold and they don't like being wet. I find with Minnie, if she won't go outside because it's raining changing the location helps. if I go out the front of the house instead, she will follow out of curiosity and wee without thinking. But getting some pee pads in might also be a good idea if they will use them.

Looking after their Paws

Wipe their paws after a walk to remove any rock salt or antifreeze. Rock salt can cut a dog's pad or get caught between their toes and cause irritation.

Antifreeze is poisonous for dogs so wipe their paws when you come in from a walk. You never know what people have put down to clear the path and you don't want your dog licking and ingesting this.

A good alternative to rock salt on your drive is cat litter. It won't melt the ice, but it will give you some grip.

Make or buy a paw balm and apply it to your chis pads to stop them from cracking. There are plenty of good recipes to make them, but they are also cheap to buy. If you get caught out just use some coconut oil mix it will a little neem oil if you have some. Neem oil is a must have for your canine medical box.

Wash their paws when they come in, dry them and then apply the balm. (don't apply if he has a cut pad)

Dealing with cut a pad.

Wash the paw and remove any obvious debris, apply an antiseptic or neem oil. Place a gauze over the wound and wrap gently in a bandage. Use tape to keep it in place but not too tight. A deep cut may need your vet's attention as he may need antibiotics.

Health checks

Get your senior chi a health check before the cold weather sets in. If your chi is an old-timer it might be a good idea to get a health check before the cold weather hits. Also make sure they have a nice warm bed away from drafts and a cosy blanket to burrow under.

Be extra careful around frozen ponds and lakes. Never throw balls onto frozen lakes or ponds. You don't know how thick the ice is.

Books by Chihuahua Power

Keeping Warm

Dogs lose most of their heat through their pads and mouth, but they will still appreciate a warm coat or jumper. If your chihuahua's not used to wearing a jumper, it might be a good idea to get them used to wearing one gradually before the cold weather hits.

While indoors, maintain warm room temperatures using an electric or firewood furnace. In case you do not have one, consider purchasing it for the sake of your 'chi'. And yes, do not worry about the installation! You can visit websites like to contact a professional who can do this work quickly. However, if you already have a furnace installed, then this might be the time to check if it is working properly. If you notice hissing sounds or a strange smell coming out of your furnace, then it might be a good idea to contact the likes of Barnett Electrical ( who can send professionals to deal with problems quickly.

Besides this, remember to never leave dogs outside for prolonged periods. Your chi will probably enjoy the snow, and they still need to get out for a sniff about and to do dog stuff. But they are small and will get cold quickly, so don't leave them out for too long. Chihuahuas shiver for different reasons and also if they are cold, so if your chi is trembling, put on a jumper.

Medication & Food

Make sure you have any prescriptions filled. If your chihuahua is on medication make sure you don't run out. Check what you have in and don't leave it till the last minute to get more. Also make sure your medical box is fully stocked.

Have have plenty of dog food in, no matter what you feed make sure you have plenty in. They can be fussy eaters so getting caught without their favourite food would be stressful.

Make up a batch of chicken bone broth as an extra nourishing treat after a walk.

If you have some pictures of your chi in the snow, we would love to see them. Please send them in to our Facebook page.


Why is my chihuahua shivering?

Why does my chihuahua shiver?

It isn't uncommon to see a chihuahua shivering. Some chihuahuas shiver all the time and others only occasionally. I don't think I have ever seen Minnie shiver, but she is long haired and larger than average. Arlo does, if he is stressed.

There are some obvious reasons why your chihuahua might be shivering such as cold or anxiety but there are some medical reasons that could also cause chihuahua shivering.


Chihuahuas can be tiny and are one of the smallest dog breeds. Tiny chihuahuas have little body fat, so it is not surprising that they would feel the cold. If the temperature has dropped then your chihuahua will appreciate a warm jumper or a nice blanket to snuggle under. Chihuahuas do not like being cold and may start to burrow in the cold weather. So, watch out under duvets and piles of washing for a snoozing chi. Alternatively, if your house is cold then you may want to consider looking on websites similar to and local fuel suppliers, to see if they can provide a viable solution for you to heat your house efficiently to keep your chihuahua warm in the cold months.


Shivering when they are afraid is common. Being handed over to a stranger for nail clipping or being taken to the vet is likely to raise your chihuahuas anxiety level and they will start with little cycles of tremors

If your chihuahua is shivering because of anxiety he may snap. Chihuahuas are fear biters and tend to snap first and ask questions later. Watch his body language so you can assess how he is feeling. Read how to read your dog ears.


In the same way they would shake if they are anxious they might shake if they are excited to see you. This shivering is likely to be accompanied by lots of barking and tail wagging.

Low blood sugar

Tiny chihuahuas can be at risk of low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia is when they expend more energy than they take in. This might be because their stomachs are so small.

As well as shivering and trembling they may be unsteady on their paws and seem disorientated.

If you think your chihuahua is having a hypo it is very important to feed him straight away. If he won't eat, then rub some liquid sugar like syrup or honey onto his gums

If this happens on a regular basis, feed him lots of small meals over the day.


Chihuahua shivering is one of the symptoms of distemper. Distemper is a virus that will affect dogs who have not had their initial vaccinations. Along with shivering and shaking your chihuahua may also have discharge from his nose or eyes, fever, coughing, diarrhoea and vomiting. Distemper is very serious, and your chi will need urgent medical attention.

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There are several types of poisoning that can cause tremors. Common poisons for dogs include, chocolate, antifreeze, Xylitol (artificial sweetener found in many products) nicotine, and caffeine.

This is not a complete list of substances that can poison your chihuahua. If you think your chi has been poisoned, then he needs urgent medical care. Go to the vet without delay.

Neurological disorders that cause chihuahua shivering

There are other neurological disorders that can make your chihuahua shiver. Epilepsy, White Dog Shaker Syndrome, Cauda Equina Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease and Tick Paralysis.

This is not a complete list either but most of these issues are rare. So, don't assume that chihuahua shivering means he has a serious illness. Look at the context and any other accompanying symptoms.

The chances are your chi just needs a woolly jumper!

Books by Chihuahua Power

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6 Natural ways to rid your house of dog…

How to rid your house of dog fleas

Do chihuahuas get dog fleas, that can't be true! But we all know even the cutest chihuahua can pick up dog fleas. The issue is how to deal with them without turning to harmful chemicals and treatments. If you would like to find out the best ways to clean dogs, then you can check out websites posts from such blogs as photosforhomes to see how this can be done in the right way for your dog and your home, so fleas are a thing of the past.

Why avoid chemicals

Chemicals can have side effects leaving people with headaches, dizziness and sometimes more serious symptoms. They can also have serious health problems for your chihuahua. Read: Spot on flea products can also be a problem for your chihuahua. Spot on flea treatments also kill bees and other beneficial insects.

We have had a look at some more natural ways to deal with dog fleas. After all, man has been dealing with fleas long before the pharmaceutical companies came along!

Fleas like to hide in places that are dark, warm and moist or well protected like a carpet. Dirt, debris and carpet fibres are also hugely attractive to fleas as they can camouflage flea larvae and protect the eggs.

If you spot fleas on your chihuahua, then sadly you're only found 5% of the flea population in your home, the remaining 95% are hiding in your carpet, furniture and clothes they can find. If you have a cat, chances are the fleas on your chihuahua are cat fleas, so treat puss too. Read the article on Natural Ways to Protect your Dog from Fleas

Get rid of pet fleas from your home without harmful chemicals

To rid your house of fleas means a thorough cleaning is needed. But don't worry, you don't have to fill your home with harsh chemicals that can irritate your family or pets, many natural methods are just as good as getting rid of fleas.

#1. Steam cleaning: Flea control hero!

As a common flea hangout is in your carpet, steam cleaning can penetrate the fibres of your carpet killing the fleas and deep-hidden eggs. The temperature of the steam is high enough to kill fleas at any stage during their life cycle. However, if you do not have the proper equipment for steam cleaning or enough time to do it, you could try contacting professional services like those that does carpet cleaning in Hilton Head. Using their skills and tools, they might be able to remove fleas and ticks from your carpets.

That said, steam cleaners are an excellent way to rid your house of pet fleas as they can clean not only the carpet but sofas, upholstery, rugs and even car seats. It is important to make sure the steam cleaner reaches over 120 degrees Fahrenheit to kill fleas successfully.

We have two: A handheld machine and a floor mop. I wouldn't be without either as they work really well. The handheld machine is under pressure, so you get a good strong jet of steam that penetrates the carpet. The only drawback is the tank is not large so if you have to keep re-filling it.

#2. Vacuum everywhere: Salt, baking soda or diatomaceous earth

Before vacuuming, take your pets to a safe place and don't let them enter the room you're treating. Brush salt or baking soda into the carpet to dry out the flea eggs, after a couple of hours vacuum thoroughly, leaving no part of the carpet untouched. As soon as you've finished take the vacuum bag, or remove the vacuum contents, into the outside bin otherwise, they can crawl out again.

#3. Wash pet bedding: Eucalyptus oil

Throw everything that your chihuahua likes to sleep on into the washing machine and wash on the highest heat possible (without damaging the bedding). If possible use a hot dryer on the bedding too, for extra flea-killing power. To prevent fleas, drop eucalyptus oil into the wash as long as you're sure your pet isn't sensitive to essential oils. Eucalyptus oil is said to repel fleas, but never use it undiluted.

#4. Create flea traps: Soapy water

Plug-in flea traps or a bowl of soapy water with light directed onto it will help you to identify if you still have fleas in your home as well as reducing their numbers. It is wise to have these in a number of rooms so you can identify problem areas.

#5. Clean regularly: Vacuum daily

Unfortunately getting rid of fleas isn't a one-off job, the flea life cycle is around one month long and with females laying up to 50 eggs a day. It is wise to vacuum every other day and repeat the cleaning steps regularly to completely rid the house of dog fleas and keep your family and pets safe and comfortable. You might also want to consider hiring someone like this carpet cleaning Cheltenham company to come and do a deep clean every so often and get the benefit of their professional equipment and expertise.

#6 Nematodes: Water them into the lawn

A nematode is a microscopic worm that lives in the soil There are estimated to be over half a million different species of nematodes in the world. They can be used to target all sorts of pests in the garden, fleas included. You buy them from a supplier and then water them into the grass. We have just ordered some for the areas where the chis play outside. The correct nematode to buy that targets flea larvae in the grass is: Wireworm and Lawn flea nematodes. You can buy them from Green Gardener in the UK.

If you have other natural methods to rid your house of dog fleas, we would love to hear. Please leave your comments below.


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